“A Picture” by Victor Tait Perowne

A Picture

She sat within the dappling shade
That flickered o'er the forest glade,
The listening birches shadows made.

In that still place there was no stir,
About her fell the hair of her
Heavy with aloes and myrrh.

A golden chain her waist confined,
Closed were her eyes, as she were blind.
Her robe was all with crimson lined,

With twisted cords about the hem,
Her wrists were twined with many a gem,
Her neck was like a lily stem.

[ . . . ]

Victor Tait Perowne's poem "A Picture" was published in the first "cycle" of the Wheels anthology in 1916. To read this poem in full in a digitized version of this publication, follow the links below:


Modernist Journals Project